Happy Monday! Tomorrow night, at 6:30 is the last public hearing for the proposed 2019 millage rate. Currently, council is proposing to maintain the millage rate at 22 mils. There have been lots of comments and questions about the City raising taxes. Although, the millage rate will be remaining the same as last year, property assessments on average have increased, resulting in a higher tax bill overall. Tomorrow will be the last opportunity to voice your opinion. I hope you all can make it. We need to hear from as many people, either for or against. Council will be considering this issue at the voting meeting immediately following the public hearing.
The attached image is taken from the City’s website and shows the current tax digest and the 5-year History of Levy for more information.
And finally, if you would like to appeal your assessment with the County the deadline is fast approaching, July 15, 2019.